Tutorials and Demonstrations on Internet

Ipython Notebook Documentation

. IPython notebook-based online documentation

. Galery of Interesting Notebooks

. Videos of Conferences and Trainings: Python Various Conferences, Pydata Conferences , Scipy Conferences


. Beginners Training Video: "Brandon Rhodes - Pandas From The Ground Up - PyCon 2015 "

. Pandas API reference

Graphics :

. Matplotlib : Beginner's guide , Gallery , General Content

. seaborn : Tutorial , Gallery

. scikit-image : Gallery, User Guide

. holoviews : Introduction , Tutorials

. mpld3 : Gallery


. IPython-SQL : Tutorial

. db.py : Tutorial

. baresql : Tutorial

Machine learning / Deep Learning

. scikit-learn : Tutorial , Gallery

. Theano: Tutorial, Related Projects

. Keras: [Presentation] (http://keras.io/)

Qt User Interface Development :

. PyQt4 tutorial: http://zetcode.com/gui/pyqt4/firstprograms/

. PyQt5 tutorial: http://zetcode.com/gui/pyqt5/firstprograms/

. guiqwt tutorial: https://pythonhosted.org/guiqwt/examples.html .

. switching from guiqwt 2 to 3: https://github.com/PierreRaybaut/guiqwt/blob/master/doc/migrating_from_v2_to_v3.rst)

. guidata: https://pythonhosted.org/guidata/examples.html


. Winpython Discussion Group

. Other Winpython examples

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